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Who (or What) is God?

by Myke Wolf
How do you picture God to be? Is that picture your own conclusion, or have you adopted it from religious doctrine or somewhere else?

Different religions portray God differently. I grew up with the Judeo-Christian version – the Patriarchal God that is loving and supportive, but also quick to judge and condemn. This God is quoted as calling himself jealous, and despite being omnipotent, is insecure enough to threaten punishment to those who don’t worship, obey and serve him. Does God really have such a colossal ego that he would create us just to worship him? Or have we misinterpreted and over-personified who or what God is?

The primary obstacle in understanding the true nature of God is that God is spirit, but we are having a physical experience. Our primary nature, our soul, is spirit as well, but while incarnated here we are primarily occupied with the physical side of our experience. We tend to personify things we don’t understand well from within a physical context, such as matters of spirit. So we personify God – meaning that we attribute human-like characteristics or personality to God in an attempt to understand God in more familiar terms.

The spirit realm is non-physical. It’s important to grasp what that means before we can understand the nature of a non-physical entity. During a human lifetime, we enjoy the experience of a dual nature. Our soul is non-physical, but during this lifetime, our attention is dominated by the physical body we occupy and the physical world we are in. This world is so detailed, so complex, and so demanding of our attention, that we tend to believe this temporary experience is the reality instead of the illusion. That is a tribute to the success of the design of our physical experience – because we come here from the spirit world in order to have a believable physical experience.

If we understand where to separate our temporal, physical nature from our immortal, spiritual nature, we can better understand what the spiritual realm is and is not. Our emotions, thoughts and judgments are all part of the human side – these are lower vibrational experiences which do not exist without a body, and so they do not exist in the spiritual realm. Feelings, which are different from emotions, are part of the soul not the body, and are part of our experience in the spiritual realm.

Jealousy and judgment are two examples of experiences that require a body – so they are experiences not native to the spirit realm. When not incarnated, when our souls are at home in the spirit realm, we do not experience jealousy or judgment – or even thoughts. To say that a non-physical entity such as God experiences these things is personification, and doesn’t accurately characterize the realities of the spirit realm.

Another difference between the spirit and the physical worlds is individuation. Here on Earth we recognize ourselves as individuals, and that is an important aspect of the human experience. We interact, we compare, we imitate, we learn, and we grow together. We give ourselves unique names, and we forget for a lifetime that in the permanent part of our Universe – the sprit realm – there is no separation, there are no differences, there is only unity. Consciousness in the spirit realm does not divide itself into different personalities, and there is no disagreement. We as souls come to the created realities like Earth in order to experience individuality and all the kinds of experiences that can offer.

And obviously, without individuation, there cannot be hierarchy. If you decide to open a business, take on all the responsibilities yourself and hire no employees, then you cannot as CEO blame the Operations Director for something they did – because YOU are the Operations Director in addition to being the CEO.

So, if God cannot be a separate being that sets our laws and judges us, then who (or what) IS God? In 2010 I asked this question, and here is what I channeled:

I see you and I know you.
You ARE me and I am IN you.

It is through your realization that I discover myself.
It is through your choice that I explore myself.
It is through your wisdom that I understand myself.
It is through your love that I feel myself.
It is through your breath that I live.
It is through your creativity that I expand.
It is through your being that I am.
It is through your search for me that I am defined.
It is through your interaction with All That Is that I experience myself.

I contain you and you contain me.
We are not the same without each other.
The more that you explore yourself, the more you find of me.
It will take you all of eternity to locate me, only to discover that you have been me, all along.
This is the purpose and the meaning of existence – to discover that you ARE me.

This is the riddle and mystery of God – everything that exists IS God, but while incarnated in the lower vibrational dimensions, we are able to enjoy an illusion of being separated into interacting individuals – a created experience which will ultimately lead us to the conclusion that WE ARE God. All physical realities are created for these experiences, but they are temporal. The spirit realm in which our immortal souls are native exists at a high vibrational plane which does not support this illusion of separation.

The patriarchal version of God was introduced at a time in our history when humanity was attempting to establish civilization and social order. Under the banner of a non-physical and therefore undefeatable God as overlord and all-knowing judge, religion became an effective way to establish laws and obedience. It became the hallmark of morality for “civilized” nations.

Is there a God? Would you like to see God? Look in a mirror … look into the eyes of others … everything you see about you IS God. God is truly All-That-Is, and nothing exists which is NOT God. We are temporarily separated into fragments of God so that we can this human experience without fully realizing that we ARE God.
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